Amstrad BBS

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Amstrad Bulletin Board System

The Amstrad BBS was setup to support Amstrad computer enthusiasts, fans and users - offering a community, chat and file archive. Most importantly, the Amstrad BBS allows Amstrad computers a resource that they can connect to directly and interface with! No World Wide Web browsing capabilities required! So get your Amstrad online and join other Amstrad users around the world...

We welcome you to login and register or visit as a Guest. We won't judge you if you don't access the BBS using Amstrad hardware, but you'll certainly get extra respect for using the Amstrad BBS via RS232 or serial connection (Note: for CPC owners you can use a PACE RS232 and wifi232 board etc).

Host address:

telnet on port 464 rlogin on port 664 ssh on port 6128

Most terminals can connect with a command such as telnet 464 which should get you online and then ask you for a login or if you'd like to register or view as a Guest.

Getting Your Old Amstrad On The Internet

We also offer a Wifi modem which connects via the rs232 serial port to most old retro computers (including Amstrads that have a serial port already or CPCs with the PACE rs232 expansion): Retro_Wifi_SI_(rs232_serial_port_Hayes_compatible_modem)

Web Browser Access & Official Website