IPhone X Case 56249

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These are the investors that do a significant amount of research before taking large stakes and holding them for a long time. Ultimately, it's this small portion of investors that have the largest impact on long term valuations.Given the success and growth of the online brokers over the last decade, we think Bushee's analysis, if applied to the entire investor population, would show even fewer "Dedicated" investors and far more Transients today. Nevertheless, looking at his numbers, it becomes clear how simplistic research proliferates.Wall Street, the financial media and other purveyors of stock research want to serve the largest market, and that's the quasi indexers and transients who aren't taking the time to do the deep research that an ROIC based model requires.Transients[2] pile into companies that beat on quarterly earnings or meet certain technical indicators, giving the appearance that these measures drive stock prices even though these movements tend to be short lived and have no basis in the underlying cash flows of the company.

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