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However looking at how close the needle of an analogue clock is to the time limit you have, you get a much more direct sense of time remaining.sandyhands2 17 points submitted 18 days agoThe best was when Russia claimed that a Ukrainian fighter jet downed the Malaysian airliner and released a satellite picture showing a jet in the area where the plane went down.It only took a few hours before a few people on the internet realized that the picture Russia released was taken from a week before the Malaysian airliner went down. You can literally see the position of the clouds on the satellite photos and compare it to older satellite photos to see where the clouds were on different days.I really don get it. The KGB was at least respected as a spy agency.

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iPhone Cases In the meantime, police and residents still have an uneasy relationship. In 2011, City of Miami Police cops fatally shot seven black men in eight months, including multiple residents of Liberty City. Police have also used the area to test controversial surveillance technologies, including ShotSpotter, a gunshot detecting microphone system that critics say might not actually make people safer..iPhone Cases

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