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A couple of really fun Grey Cups. And then, last Friday against the Toronto Argonauts, one of the smallest crowds I had seen in years and years.On Monday, our main man Lowell Ullrich chatted with Lions president Dennis Skulsky. Like, what's up with the attendanceThe spin, in essence: Sure, the crowds are down.

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cheap iphone Cases Get daily updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!"So unless they've got it horribly wrong and I'm not aware of any other lost British explorers in that part of Papua New Guinea Benedict Allen is safe and well."Mr Gardner, who has joined Mr Allen on some of his expeditions, said he was annoyed with his friend for being irresponsible."I've got to say I'm quite annoyed with him as his friend. He left with no plan, he had no evacuation plan, he didn't give anybody any idea of where he was going," he added."It's hardly surprising that he's missed his flight and he's caused a lot of people to be very worried about him. People who care about him."I'm sure he's come back with an incredible story to tell which will be fascinating and he'll regale audiences at the National Geographic Society and elsewhere but we could have done without this worry on his behalf."Mr Gardner said it was likely that a helicopter would have to be sent to rescue Mr Allen, because there would be no proper runway for a light aircraft to land.He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that tribal chiefs in the area where Mr Allen went missing say he has been sighted near an airstrip and is "fine".Concerns were raised when Mr Allen, who was expected to begin his journey home at the weekend, failed to make a flight home via Hong Kong.His wife, Lenka Allen, previously told the Daily Mail that their children 10 year old Natalya, Freddie, seven, and two year old Beatrice were asking "When's Daddy coming home"She said "everything possible" was going through her head, fearing that he had been bitten by a snake, become lost or contracted an illness.But she added: "He does know a lot about the jungle."In a blog post on his website in September, Mr Allen described the Yaifo as "one of the last people on the entire planet who are out of contact with our interconnected world"."Just like the good old days, I won't be taking a sat phone, GPS or companion cheap iphone Cases..
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