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When you enter even the first few letters of a term in the search box, it offers various options and is persistent: no need to click on the toolbar's "search" button every time you want to find something in this vast storehouse of knowledge. Moreover, the user can save search results onto handy "Virtual Notecards". Whole articles can be copied onto the seemingly inexhaustible Workspace..

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iphone x cases I put together a cash flow statement showing the September 30 cumulative numbers and subtracted the June 30 cumulative numbers to arrive at the details for the most recent quarter. Since a fair number of readers here appear to have a severe allergy to numbers (and to avoid mucking up this article up with detailed tables), I have provided the details in a blog post which can be found here.The detailed cash flow statement in my link breaks down the $41.6 million figure into two components:Positive $108.4 million Proceeds from investment by non controlling interest in subsidiaries Negative $66.8 million Distributions paid to non controlling interests in subsidiaries So the answer is it received $108.4 million from selling assets into VIEs in the third quarter. Complicating matters, however, is that the VIE long term debt, including current portion, increased by about $57 million during the quarter (This debt also appears in the consolidated statements, I believe, so avoid any temptation to double count) iphone x cases..
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