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Craigslist has many different channels in which to post your advertisements. If you are posting ads for your business opportunity in Beauty Services or Clothing, then Craigslist will deem them irrelevant to the reader and delete them. So not only must you be posting different advertisements, but you must be posting them in the proper channel..

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iphone x cases Two successive ones to the Khar police, one to the CBI, one to the magistrate at the killa court at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj terminus, and then there was his testimony to Courtroom 51.Everyone had their yellow pens and markers out, ready to mark the omissions, as Mangla began.Indrani, in bright pink and grey, glowed from the accused box at the back. Khanna, wearing a black checked shirt, like a buffer, sat next to her and Peter next to him.As a colleague mentioned, as the trial proceeds, Peter is beginning to look more and more haggard while Indrani by contrast is blossoming. Khanna appeared exhausted and more down and out than usual at this hearing.Peter discontented with not being able to hear much of the long proceedings of Friday, made faces and turned away sideways.Mangla, who has about seven years of legal experience under her belt, by standing in for Pasbola on Friday, caused an almost imperceptible change in the balance of power in the courtroom.With her court voice a couple of decibel levels lower than Pasbola, Mangla nevertheless put iPhone Cases on a strong show.That didn't stop, one imagined, CBI Special Prosecutors Kavita Patil and Bharat Badami from scenting blood and attempting to capitalise on the situation, by objecting to nearly every omission Mangla highlighted.Nor did Mangla resort to the Pasbola Special Dictionary of Phrases for the CBI Advocates 'Thamba, thamba' or 'Have patience!' to shush up the Patil and Badami non stop insertions.Towards the end of Mangla's portion of the hearing, on Friday, interestingly, it became a full scale battle/quibble over language differences.The 161, since it was recorded by the Mumbai police was in Marathi.iPhone x case x cases

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