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In contrast to the abnormal movements of other movement disorders (for example, choreas, dystonias, myoclonus, and dyskinesias), the tics of Tourette's are temporarily suppressible, iPhone Cases nonrhythmic, and often preceded by an unwanted premonitory urge.[17] Immediately preceding tic onset, most individuals with Tourette's iPhone Cases are aware of an urge,[18][19] similar to the need to sneeze or scratch an itch. Individuals describe the need to tic as a buildup of tension, pressure, or energy[19][20] which they consciously choose to release, as if they "had to do it"[21] to relieve the sensation[19] or until it feels "just right".[21][22] Examples of the premonitory urge are the feeling of having something in one's throat, or a localized discomfort in the shoulders, leading to the need to clear one's throat or shrug the shoulders. The actual tic may be felt as relieving this tension or sensation, similar to scratching an itch.

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