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Volatility can be OK and can add to option premiums, but volatility also can work against the fund if option expirations happen to coincide with interim tops or bottoms of the market. This is why the portfolio managers have a three month sleeve in place at all times.BXMX has a low management fee for a CEF at 0.92% and currently offers a 7.2% current market yield. One other reason why I like BXMX is that I believe Nuveen will change its quarterly pay distribution schedule for its equity based CEFs like BXMX to monthly pay sometime in 2017, following the lead of Eaton Vance (NYSE:EV) and BlackRock (NYSE:BLK) over the last few years.In terms of performance, you can expect BXMX's NAV to hold up better than iPhone Cases the S 500 in a flat to down market though it will generally underperform in a bull market.

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iPhone Cases sale There were also images of a man's wrist with a watch of a type taken in the robbery.The men, all from Manchester, yesterday pled guilty at the High Court in Glasgow to taking part in last September's heist in the Argyll Arcade, home to more than 30 and diamond merchants.Two Scots, Alistair Oliver, 30 and Gordon McLay, 32, both of East Lothian, appeared with them in court to admit selling some of the stolen watches.All five also admitted taking part in a raid on a branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland in a week after the Glasgow robbery.The raid on Argyll Arcade shocked Scotland. The gang stole vehicles and registration plates in Scotland and England.Yendall, 29, Brannan, 23, and Britton, 23, carried out a "dry run" of the route a day before the heist.On September 24, the Manchester trio and two unknown associates travelled from Edinburgh.They stopped on Glasgow's Queen Street close to Argyll Arcade and four men got out.Two were carrying baseball bats, one a sledgehammer and one an axe. They were all wearing and gloves.The driver stayed in the car, although Miss Fraser said it was unclear which of them it was.In pictures: Masked gang carry out raid on Glasgow jewellersThe robbers sprinted down Buchanan Street into the busy mall at about 1pm and headed for the Rox jewellery store.Some of the gang kept a look out while others raced inside and smashed a window display.As shoppers and staff dived for cover, 19 Hublot and two Bell Ross watches, each worth from to were snatched and tossed into bags.Miss Fraser said: "While this was happening, members of the group in the arcade were shouting and banging on other shop windows."This generated a great deal of fear and panic as it was busy with public and staff from other shops."A worker in one of the shops set off a device to fill the arcade with smoke in a bid to disorientate the raiders.Less than four minutes after arriving, the gang fled with their loot.As they ran past shoppers, some of whom were recording the on their mobile phones, one yelled: "I'll f kill you all."They ran up a nearby lane and jumped into their getaway vehicle before heading to Edinburgh.Oliver and McLay were in a bookmakers in Wallyford hours after the raid iPhone Cases sale..
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