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Outrage over police shootings or excessive force has spurred protest movements in major cities such as Chicago, Baltimore and New York.In a plaza near the Brooklyn courthouse where Liang was convicted, hundreds of demonstrators gathered on Saturday.Scores turned out Saturday afternoon outside in Atlanta as well. Many held small American flags as they packed about 100 yards of sidewalk, several people deep, outside CNN's headquarters.Akai Gurley, who was unarmed, was killed by rookie New York Police Officer Peter Liang in 2014.In San Francisco, protester Amy Matecki said, "Peter Liang's incident brought the Chinese community together. We want to speak up.

iPhone Cases When Pantaleo approached Garner from behind and attempted to handcuff him, Garner pulled his arms away, saying "Don't touch me, please."[25] Pantaleo then put Garner in a headlock or chokehold from behind. Chokeholds are prohibited by NYPD regulations.[26] Pantaleo then pulled Garner backward in an attempt to bring him to the ground;[27] in the process, Pantaleo and Garner slammed into a glass window, which did not break.[3] As Garner was being brought to the ground, other uniformed officers surrounded him, and Garner went to his knees and forearms and did not say anything for a few seconds. At that point, three uniformed officers and the two plainclothes officers had surrounded him.[3] After 15 seconds,[28] the video showed Pantaleo had removed his arm from around Garner's neck; Pantaleo then used his hands to push Garner's face[27] into the sidewalk.[29] Garner is heard saying "I can't breathe" eleven times while lying facedown on the sidewalk.[30] The arrest was supervised by a female African American NYPD sergeant, Kizzy Adoni, who did not intercede.[31] Adoni was quoted in the original police report as stating, "The iPhone x case perpetrator's condition did not seem serious and he did not appear to get worse."[32].iPhone x case Cases

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