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Of course, the steady decline of revenue and EBITDA puts overall downward pressure on NOI ultimately, driving down NOI over time even as it is buoyed by reduced depreciation, amortization and interest expenses. The bumpiness of the line reflects the individual debt tranches being redeemed, requiring incrementally less interest expense and providing periodic increases in NOI.The net impact on CFFO can be seen here:Even as depreciation and especially amortization expenses go down to help NOI, the cash impact of these continues to wind down as intangible assets decline close to zero throughout this period and depreciation slows as PPE steadily declines. Even so, this cash flow decline is slower than I believe many market participants would expect.From the CFFO iphone x cases above, after taking out capex (12% of revenue), preferred dividends while they exist and common dividends (assumed to stay in place at $2.40/share throughout the entire period) plus other small cash drains, the remaining total cash flow prior to any debt redemptions is shown here:.

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