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Wanted the people to determine who is right and who is wrong. The only thing you guys didn see was when he shot. If I would have moved while that gun was out, he would have shot me, too. After 14 years, Khan took a younger woman as second wife and after years of living with both wives, he threw Shah Bano, who was then aged 62 years, and her five children out. In April 1978, when Khan stopped giving her the 200 per month he had apparently promised,[16] claiming that she had no means to support herself and her children, she filed a petition at a local court in Indore, against her husband under section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, asking him for a maintenance amount of 500 for herself and her children. On November 1978 her husband gave an irrevocable talaq (divorce) to her which was his prerogative under Islamic law and took up the defence that hence Bano had ceased to be his wife and therefore he was under no obligation to provide maintenance for her as except prescribed under the Islamic law which was in total 5,400.[3] In August 1979, the local court directed Khan to pay a sum of 25 per month to Bano by way of maintenance.

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