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Forced Entry:[2] The film depicts the beating, rape and murder of women by a serial killer, who is eventually killed by a mob of vigilantes.[2] There are three scenes which graphically portray rape and murder, and women are also spat on.[3] Extreme's website called it their "most controversial movie" and "a stunningly disturbing look at a serial killer, satanic rituals, and the depths of human depravity."[2] Forced Entry was directed by Lizzy Borden and released in 2002. Louis Sirkin, argued that the right to privacy, recently confirmed and strengthened in Lawrence v. Texas, gave individuals the constitutional right to view offending materials in private, a right which cannot be meaningfully exercised without a corresponding right of companies to iPhone Cases distribute such materials.[3] The prosecution countered that an individual's right to privacy is unrelated to a company's right to commercial distribution..

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