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Latest revision as of 09:24, 1 May 2019

I held my breath as I drove, but soon, general stores and empty gas stations gave way to hillsides dotted with grand, old homes with attached barns. Cows grazed in the fields. There was no hustle and bustle here. And consolidated EBITDA was $84 million at the high end of our expectations.In addition to our earnings release, which was distributed last night, we also filed an 8K earlier this week that included pro forma 2017 results illustrating what our consolidated and segment level financial performance would have looked like last year heavily on Royal. We chose to file this 8K to provide you a baseline when comparing year over year performance as we deliver growth and margin expansion on a combined basis this year. It also underscores the solid financial results of this combination.During our call today we will make some references to our growth in 2018 versus the pro forma results included in that filing.

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