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The EU 28 employment rate of persons with at most an upper secondary or post secondary non tertiary education was 74.8 In addition to already having the lowest probability of finding a job (among these education level groups), persons who at most have a lower secondary education were also hit hardest by the crisis: the employment rate in this group fell 5.1 percentage points between 2007 and 2013, iPhone Cases whereas the corresponding number for those with a medium level education was 1.7 pp., and for those with high education 1.8 pp. By far the highest proportion of part time workers in 2016 was found in the Netherlands (46.6 followed by Austria, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark and Ireland, where part time work accounted in each case for more than a fifth of those in employment. By contrast, part time employment was relatively uncommon in Bulgaria (1.9 of those in employment) as well as Hungary, Croatia, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia (between 4.8 and 5.7 see Figure 4..

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