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Net losses for the three months ended March 31st 2013 fell to $3.9 million from $11.6 million for the same period in 2012.If considered at face value these figures could be seen to suggest that the company's performance justifies the share price increase, but closer analysis suggests otherwise.The quarter over quarter increase in revenue is due to an increase in Groupon's direct revenue, which increased from $19 million in the first three months of last year to $162 million in the same period this year. In contrast, indirect revenue from Groupon's core coupon business fell from $540 million for the three months ended March 31st 2011 to $439 million for the same period this year. Profit margin on the direct revenue is much lower than on the indirect revenue, meaning Groupon's gross profit fell quarter over quarter from $439 million to $379 million.These figures suggest that while the top line increase in Groupon's performance indicates a successful half year, the underlying figures that support this revenue increase do not.Estimates indicate that Groupon's current operating profit margin is 15% in its indirect business, and negative 18% in its direct business.This year the company reported long term operating profit margin targets for its indirect and direct business at 25% and 8% respectively.

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