Classic 68K Amiga SAMBA setup

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SAMBA networking is very useful for Amiga computers, as it allows a fast and convenient way to transfer large files, games or software to your classic Commodore Amiga.

A standard Amiga computer is limited to 880K floppy disk capacity unless you have a CD-ROM drive or other means to transfer files (and burning lots of CDs can be time consuming and wasteful on media).

One option is a direct link via a serial or parallel cable from the Amiga to another PC, or even to use a telnet BBS service to upload and download files - these options can be slow and fiddly to implement.

With SAMBA however, transferring files to your Amiga is as easy as opening up a Drawer in Workbench and dragging them to your Hard DIsk Drive or Compact Flash card - and everything can be done directly on the Amiga without having to use UAE etc!

Basic Amiga 68K SAMBA setup steps


1. First setup Samba on your NAS, PC or network so that you have a Samba server or host running ready to connect your Amiga to. Make sure your local network IP range 192.168.1.* etc is allowed to connect so your Amiga will see the WORKGROUP and Samba Shares available on the local network.

2. Add a Plipbox to your Amiga and have it setup with MiamiDX or similar TCP/IP stack so you have internet and Network connectivity available on the Amiga - see instructions and information here: Commodore Amiga Plipbox Ethernet Adapter

3. Using your newly setup Plipbox download the following files from here: Amiga 68K Samba files to your Amiga, or transfer them initially by other means you may already have.

You now should have these in a folder on your Amiga:





Preparing Samba Files and Install

Step A - Find the Samba 2.2.5 Archive (Samba-base.lha) and unarchive it to RAM:

Step B - Find the Samba 2.2.5 Binary (Samba-bin-68k.lha) and unarchive it to RAM: (this file contains all the 68k specific binaries for use in this installation)

Step C - Find the smbfs-68k.lha file and unarchive it to RAM:

Step D - Open up your RAM disk, (double click) the drawer 'Samba-2.2.5' and rename the drawer within from being called 'install' to just be now called 'samba'

Step E - Back in your RAM disk, there should be another drawer just called 'install', you can open this and drag the contents into the new 'samba' drawer within 'Samba-2.2.5'

Step F - Now also in RAM, open the drawer called 'smbfs-1.74-68k' and drag the 'smbfs' file also into your new 'samba' drawer that is within 'Samba-2.2.5'.

You should end up with a 'samba' drawer with contents like this: Amiga-samba-drawer-screenshot.jpg

Important: You now should create a couple of extra folders within your 'samba' drawer, they may be required when actually using Samba. So if you don't already have them create a 'log' drawer and within the 'log' drawer also make a 'locks' drawer.

Setting Up Samba

Now simply copy your 'samba' drawer that you've got ready to your SYS: or Workbench boot volume.