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Meletios Apostolides took his case to the Nicosia District court,[5] demanding that the Orams vacate his property. Northern Cyprus, although a de facto functioning entity, remains an unrecognised state internationally. Mr Apostolides' case centred on the argument that although following the Turkish invasion the government of Cyprus had lost effective control over the northern part of the island, its laws still applied even if these were not easily enforceable..

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iphone x cases Mdu Dlamini, the community liaison officer, said: looks like a high measure of corruption because we know what informs the conferring of a degree. We know that the university wants a title deed. You know a title deed is a major asset. I'm just not going to get financed."[10][11][12] USA Today noted with films like Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961), A Mighty Heart (2007), and Pan (2015), "White actors continue to be top of mind for plum roles, despite the under representation of people of color at the acting, directing and producing levels."[10]According to The New York Times, Asian Americans make up 5.4 percent of the population.[13] However, according to a study by the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism in 2016, only one out of 20 speaking roles go to Asian Americans, and they are given only one percent of lead roles in film, while white actors account for 76.2 percent of lead roles.[13] Writing for The Student Printz, Alyssa Bass described this as "frustrating" both for "Asian American actors constantly being overlooked and Asian American audiences feeling invisible."[13]In 2017, Ghost in the Shell, which is based on the seinen manga Ghost in the Shell by Masamune Shirow, provoked disputes over whitewashing. Scarlett Johansson, a white actress, took the role of Motoko Kusanagi, a Japanese character.[14] This was seen as cultural appropriation by some fans of the original manga who expected the role to be taken by an Asian or Asian American actor.[14] Johansson called her character "identity less," and the spokesperson for Kodansha and Sam Yoshiba, the publisher of Ghost in the Shell, told The Hollywood Reporter, "She has the cyberpunk feel. SAG AFTRA's David White demurred on groups' opposition to casting white actors in non white roles, "The laws insist that one's race not be part of the qualifications for a job," but he recognized that there was a lack of diversity in roles available.[6] Law professor John Tehranian said, "Of course, there is nothing inherently wrong with race blind casting, as long as it works both ways.iphone x cases

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