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Both configurations have been applied in cold climate, although we seem to see a tendency towards valley fills in recent development projects: Kinross Gold's Fort Knox is a valley fill, as is Victoria Gold's (OTCPK:VITFF) proposed Eagle Gold mine not far from the Coffee project, as well as Lydian International's (OTCPK:LYDIF) Amulsar project in Armenia (although the original and prefered design was a ridge top). Kaminak Gold cites cost advantages, and a shorter construction time as the reasons governing the decision for the switch to a ridge top configuration. In very general terms Kaminak Gold will require a Quartz Mining License, and a Water License before it can operate the future Coffee mine.At present Kaminak Gold is anticipating to submit applications for the two licenses towards the end of this year, which would put the company on track to be permitted by mid 2018, all going well.

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