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For nearly a decade, Apple has showed the world its new line of iPhones in September. It's something of a tradition in the tech industry and this year wasn't any different. The technology giant hosted a press conference on Wednesday, September 7 at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in Downtown San Francisco and unveiled a few new products :.

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iPhone Cases Yes this is about how they work. Their work culture. They dont respect the breaks, they over work them selfs and expect you to do the same. Moreover, on April 01, 2011, after a meeting with Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Bolivia's president, declared that "Venezuela was the first country that offered to work scientifically with Bolivia to produce batteries." The following day, a high ranked officer from the Bolivian Ministry of External Relations said that, "the only serious proposal for industrialization of lithium in Bolivia was that submitted by Venezuela." In a blog published two days later in Bolivia, I questioned: What makes the government think that Venezuela has suddenly become the technological center of the planet so that "with Venezuela there is the possibility to make a step further, a technological leap, for Bolivia to become an important nucleus of production of lithium batteries," as another government official indicatedThird, on May 9, 2011, the president was again on the news to emphatically state that "of all the proposals (from different countries) that have been submitted to us, the most advantageous one is that of China, but the participation of Finland is not discarded." Last year, China, through Citic Group, one of the largest companies in the world, submitted a comprehensive proposal for the development of evaporite resources in the Salar de Uyuni, which I thought was overlooked by the government. And in fact, it was. But to understand this rather complex situation, we must go back to April 6, when the national manager of Evaporite Resources indicated that South Korea and China had submitted the most serious proposals for the industrialization of lithium.So China was then for the first time on the spot and no government official said anything else about Venezuela What happened In mid March, Venezuela and Citic Group, the very company that has submitted a proposal for the industrialization of lithium in Bolivia, signed a series of memorandums of undesrtanding to develop and finance a number of projects in the areas of hydrocarbons, mining, finance and house construction in the South American country for more than US$ 4 billion iPhone Cases..
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