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In fact, he paved the way for the cultural and social revolutions of the Renaissance itself, through his complex synthesis of inspiration and analysis, his bold reworking of the classical past to the needs and aspirations of the present. Once complete, Santa Maria del Fiore was decorated by artists like Donatello, Paolo Uccello, and Luca Della Robbia, making it both the birthplace and the proving ground of the Renaissance. Brunelleschi dome still rises from the terra cotta sea of Florence roof tiles, itself terra cotta clad yet harmoniously proportioned, like a Greek goddess in homespun.

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iPhone Cases What is Interstitial CystitisInterstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic inflammatory bladder condition that can cause constant or occasional discomfort, with symptoms running the gamut from mild to severe. Although it can feel like a bacterial infection, no infectious organism is found in people with IC, and treatment with antibiotics is ineffective. Symptoms may include frequent urination, urinary urgency (the sudden, compelling need to empty the bladder), and pain in the pelvic region.iPhone Cases

iPhone Cases In the context of warrants, the Oxford Companion to American Law defines probable cause as "information sufficient to warrant a prudent person's belief that the wanted individual had committed a crime (for an arrest warrant) or that evidence of a crime or contraband would be found in a search (for a search warrant)". "Probable cause" is a stronger standard of evidence than a reasonable suspicion, but weaker than what is required to secure a criminal conviction. Even hearsay can supply probable cause if it is from a reliable source or supported by other evidence, according to the Aguilar Spinelli test..iPhone Cases

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